Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blogging Instructionally: What did I learn?

As I've previously stated, I started a teacher blog after finding so many ideas posted by other teachers on their blogs.  For a while, I just stalked other blogs, gathering information and activities that other teachers so generously shared.  What I found was inspiring and got me out of my routine (or rut!), which often occurs when teachers become overwhelmed with curriculum and assessments.  After several months, I finally realized that I have ideas that others may be able to use as well.  My friend Rachael helped me set this up, and I started posting pictures and ideas from my own classroom.   Although I put information about it in my weekly newsletters, none of my parents chose to follow, perhaps because it was so late in the year.  I'm hoping this will change in the coming school year and plan to introduce our class blog from the very beginning.  It is my hope that it will become a good resource for parents as they are able to see what we are doing in B3 in real-time, as well as a resource for other teachers as I make and post more materials to supplement our curriculum.  Take a look at Justin Tarte's 10 reasons to get educators blogging... if you are looking for a reason to blog! 

1 comment:

Brent said...

Great! So glad you are finding some uses for blogging! Your blog is fabulous!